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Page last updated at 9 a.m. on October 4, 2022
CalvertHealth is pleased to support our community's vaccination effort by offering vaccine/booster clinics in our community. CLICK HERE for more information on dates, times and locations. 

Masking Guidelines
For the health and safety of our patients, CalvertHealth continues to require masking in all healthcare facilities including practices and in the medical center.

While we have considered the new masking guidance issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) which does not require universal masking in healthcare settings, CalvertHealth continues to make decisions based on the community transmission level in our county and other key variables.

The transmission rates demonstrate a HIGH level of transmission. Based on this data, we will continue masking in adherence with our policy. We will continue to monitor the situation and reevaluate on a regular basis.


If you are in need of answers to COVID related questions, please feel free to call the Calvert County Health Department at 410.535.5400, ext 489 and leave a message. Your questions will be answered as quickly as possible by a member of the CCHD COVID team.

Please note the CalvertHealth Emergency Room is NOT a COVID-19 testing center. Please see below for list of community resources:

Local Urgent Care Centers 
Patriot Urgent Care offers testing options for COVID-19. You can schedule an appointment online. If no dates/times are available, it means that all the available testing slots have been filled. Check back regularly as new appointments are released daily. Patriot Urgent Care has three Calvert County locations: Dunkirk, Prince Frederick and Solomons. 
Patriot Urgent Care COVID-19 Evaluation and Testing Center Online Registration

Maryland Testing Site Registry 
Search the state’s registry of all testing centers and locations. You may need to expand your search settings beyond your community to find testing sites to meet your criteria. Fifteen statewide hospital-based testing site have been opened, to include locations at  Anne Arundel Medical Center, MedStar St. Mary's Hospital and UMD Charles Regional Medical Center. 

Other Testing Resources
Your Primary Care Provider’s Office  
Most primary care providers offer COVID-19 testing for established patients. If you require testing, your primary care provider is the best place to start. If you are symptomatic, your provider may require a telehealth visit prior to testing. 

At-Home Testing Kits  
At-home testing kits can be purchased at your local pharmacy or ordered online. If you require testing for travel, work, etc., please ensure the kit you purchase is approved for such purposes and you will receive the documentation required. Testing kits approved for travel can be purchased at https://www.emed.com/. 

Local Pharmacies  
Many local pharmacies offer both PRC and Rapid testing options. When searching for testing options, please note you may have to travel to a pharmacy location outside of your community. 
CVS: https://www.cvs.com/minuteclinic/covid-19-testing
Walgreens: https://www.walgreens.com/findcare/covid19/testing?ban=covid_vanity_testing

Other Area Health Departments (Outside of Calvert County)
Those living outside of Calvert County should check their health department for testing options. Many health departments only provide testing for those who live or work in their district, so please be sure to check in advance to see if you qualify. Additionally, many  counties provide at-home testing kits and pop-up clinic locations throughout the community. As noted above, not all at-home kits are suitable for travel or provide verification of results. 

Anne Arundel County: https://www.aahealth.org/covid19-testing/
Charles County: https://charlescountycovid.org/testing/
St. Mary’s County: https://smchd.org/covid-19-testing/

Revised Visitor Policies and Guidance – FEBRUARY 15, 2023

At CalvertHealth, we understand the important role that loved ones can provide in supporting our care team. We continue to update our guidance taking into consideration the health and safety of our employees, as well as our patients and guests.

Beginning Wednesday, February 15, CalvertHealth has updated its visitation guidance.

Patients will be allowed two (2) visitors at a time after the patient has been screened for COVID. Visiting hours are from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. for inpatient units. Please see below for visitation guidelines for specific areas such as Emergency Department, Family Birth Center, Behavioral Health, Surgery Center and Outpatient Departments.

Patients with COVID-19 or suspected of COVID-19 will not be allowed to have visitors unless the patient meets ADA requirements for a Support Person. Support Persons must wear the appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and follow all directions of the hospital care team. PPE includes gown, gloves, surgical mask and eye protection.

Recognizing that the exchange of information is an essential element of quality patient-and family-centered care, CalvertHealth provides free language services to people whose primary language is not English.

Approved support persons or visitors, for any patient, should meet the following criteria:

  • Support persons must be over the age of 18
  • Visitors must be 13 or older
  • Healthy without symptoms
  • Wear ID badge after checking with security (please note you must present a photo ID)
  • Use proper infection control practices
  • Follow the directions of staff and abide by the health system’s visitor policy rules

All visitors are allowed to frequent the Coffee Bar, Gift Shop and The Calvert Café. Support Persons may purchase food while in the patient room from the cafeteria; menus are available in patient rooms. For end-of-life care, clinically safe exceptions may be made.

CalvertHealth Medical Center entrances:
Main Entrance: 6 a.m.-9 p.m., Mon-Fri (exiting is permitted after 9 p.m., entry is not permissible between 9 p.m. and 6 a.m.)
9 a.m.-9 p.m., Sat-Sun
Please use Emergency Room Entrance after 9 p.m.

Emergency Room: 24/7 Access.

Hospital Visitation: 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Patients who have been admitted to the hospital are allowed two (2) visitors at a time in their room; visitors may switch out. One (1) overnight visitor is allowed. Exceptions may be made for patients receiving end-of-life care and minors. Visitors should remain in the patient room at all times except to use the public restroom or for a brief visit to the Gift Shop, Coffee Bar or The Calvert Café.
Emergency Room: 24 Hour Access
Emergency Room patients are allowed two (2) visitors at a time. Pediatric patients are allowed to have two (2) parents/guardians at a time throughout all care settings.

Visitation for those who are COVID-positive or suspected of having COVID is as follows:

  • COVID-positive patients – no visitation. Patients meeting ADA requirements may have a support person accompany them throughout all care settings.
  • Those in need of COVID testing – no visitation until clinical assessment is complete and patient is determined to be COVID-negative.
  • If a patient transported to the hospital by ambulance is known to be COVID-positive prior to/on arrival – no visitation will be permitted.
  • If the COVID status is unknown, the visitor may remain with the patient until clinical assessment is made.
  • Pediatric patients will be permitted two (2) parent/guardian regardless of COVID status.

Should a patient to the Emergency Room be admitted to the hospital, the visitors will be allowed to accompany the patient to their hospital room provided it is within visitation hours (9 a.m.-9 p.m.). Inpatients are allowed to have (1) approved overnight visitor.

Patients requiring a psychiatric evaluation in the Emergency Department may be permitted visitation after the completion of the evaluation.

Limit personal belongings brought into the hospital. COVID-positive patients or those suspected of COVID are prohibited from bringing any personal items into the facility.
Will be allowed two approved parents/guardians at the bedside at a time. Parents/ guardians are permitted to bring in outside food provided it is not shared with the patient. Parents or Guardians may visit the Gift Shop, Coffee Bar or The Calvert Café at this time. No siblings under the age of 13 are permitted at this time.
Family Birth Center: Antepartum, Labor & Delivery and Postpartum:
Two (2) approved visitors for expectant mothers for the duration of their stay; only (1) visitor is permitted overnight. Visitors may switch out. No visitors under the age of 13.

No restriction on hours. Visitors and Support Persons may visit The Calvert Cafe, Coffee Bar or Gift Shop. Food can be purchased from the Cafeteria for delivery to the patient room. Menus can be found in the patient room.

One (1) visitor may accompany an expectant mother for outpatient services performed at the Family Birth Center, such as a non-stress test (NST).
Behavioral Health Unit:
Two (2) parents or guardians allowed for adolescents - 6:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m. M-F and 2-3:30 p.m. Saturday and Sunday.

Adult inpatients may have two (2) approved visitor per day - 6:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m. M-F and 2-3:30 p.m. Saturday and Sunday.
Surgery Center:
One (1) visitor may accompany patient for registration and preoperative process.

Once the patient is taken back for surgery, the visitor can remain in the waiting area and is permitted to visit The Calvert Café, Coffee Bar and Gift Shop.
Outpatient Departments:
One (1) visitor/guardian to assist patient to their appointment is allowed.

Please click here for more information on CalvertHealth Medical Group visitation information.

Any visitor unable to abide by the medical center’s visitor policy or follow the directions of staff will be asked to leave.
Visitor restrictions are subject to change. CalvertHealth acknowledges that this policy may cause some inconvenience for any patients and their family members; however, patient safety and the overall health of the community is the health system’s top priority.

Community Vaccine and Booster Clinics

The COVID-19 Vaccine:

At CalvertHealth, your health and safety is our top priority. Information about the vaccine is rapidly changing and you may have a lot of questions about the safety and effectiveness of the vaccines, as well as how you can obtain a vaccine. We want to provide you with information to make an informed decision. Although there are many reasons to get the vaccine, the most compelling is that it could protect you and those around you from this life-threatening virus.

Even after you are vaccinated, you will still need to follow guidelines or ordinances specific to your area regarding masking, social distancing, handwashing and other hygiene measures. 

Which vaccine is the best? Should I wait to be offered a certain vaccine?
Getting vaccinated with the first vaccine available to you will help protect all of us from COVID-19. Having different types of vaccines available for use, especially ones with different dosing recommendations and storage and handling requirements, can offer more options and flexibility for the public, jurisdictions and vaccine providers.

When can I be vaccinated?
As this time, anyone age 5+ is eligible to receive a vaccine, noting that 5-17 year-olds may only receive the Pfizer vaccine.  

Where can I get vaccinated?
Vaccines are offered through local health departments, primary care offices and pharmacies.

Who can I call if I have questions about the vaccine?
The Calvert County Health Department has set up a call center to assist residents without internet access who wish to register for vaccination. For questions or assistance, residents may call 410.535.0218, Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 10 a.m.-3 p.m.


NOTICE: Emergency Department Experiencing Longer Than Normal Wait Times

Our Emergency Department is experiencing higher than normal patient volumes. Please note that patients are seen based on the severity of their condition, not the order of arrival. Non-emergent cases may experience longer wait times as we prioritize those with urgent medical needs. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we provide care to everyone who needs us.  

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